Friday 31 October 2014

Need to make a new user's home directory manually on all SRX platforms (including Firefly Perimeter) running with Junos OS release 12.1X47-D10

Alert Type:

PSN - Product Support Notification
Product Affected:

All SRX platforms and Firefly Perimeter
Alert Description:

Due to an internal build error, if a new user is configured on any of SRX devices (including Firefly Perimeter), which is running with Junos OS 12.1X47-D10. The user's home directory will not be created automatically.


root@SRX# set system login user newuser class operator authentication plain-text-password 
New password:
Retype new password:

root@SRX# commit and-quit 
commit complete
Exiting configuration mode

root@SRX> file list detail /var/home/ | match newuser    


If you try to login to the SRX device using the new login username, you can login to the device, but it shows error messages, which cannot change to home directory.
% ssh newuser@
--- JUNOS 12.1X47-D10.4 built 2014-08-14 22:48:52 UTC
Could not chdir to home directory /var/home/newuser: No such file or directory

The correction is included in Junos OS 12.1X47-D11 (refer to the download links below), 12.1X47-D15 (scheduled to be released in early December 2014) and above.

  1. After creating a new user on the CLI or J-Web, type "start shell" or "start shell user root" in Junos CLI without double quotes
  2. Create the user's home directory and change the ownership

% mkdir -p /var/home/(username)

% chown -R -P -f (userid or username):20 /var/home/(username)

root@SRX> start shell 
root@SRX% mkdir -p /var/home/newuser
root@SRX% chown -R -P -f newuser:20 /var/home/newuser
root@SRX% ls -al /var/home/newuser
total 8
drwxr-xr-x   2 newuser  20      512 Oct  8 21:47 .
drwxr-xr-x  34 root     wheel  1024 Oct  8 21:47 ..


root@SRX% chown -R -P -f 2009:20 /var/home/newuser
root@SRX% ls -al /var/home/newuser
total 8
drwxr-xr-x   2 newuser  20      512 Oct  8 21:47 .
drwxr-xr-x  34 root     wheel  1024 Oct  8 21:47 ..

NOTE: The userid's of each login name can be verified from the configuration.

root@SRX# show system login user newuser 
uid 2009;   <-- LOOK HERE (uid stands for userid)
class operator;
authentication {
    encrypted-password "$1$FyKeeKqo$XKT8V1udIJbT9f4fpw2Yc."; ## SECRET-DATA


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