SRX-Branch devices running Junos
versions 12.1X44-D55, 12.1X46-D40, 12.1X47-D30, or 12.3X48-D20 fail to
establish the initial HTTP communications from Pulse Secure clients
resulting in failed VPN connections.
During failed connections the Pulse Secure client will display the following connection failures:
During failed connections, SRX devices will log a failure in
with the following message.
httpd: 2: Error: "Not Found", code 404 for URI "/junos-auth/", file "/html/junos-auth": Can't open document: /html/junos-auth.
httpd: 2: redirectCallback /junos-auth/
httpd: 2: GET /servererror.php?code=404 HTTP/1.1
This issue is being tracked by
PR 1135780.
Junos maintenance releases with correction:
- Junos 12.1X44-D60
- Junos 12.1X46-D45
- Junos 12.1X47-D35
- Junos 12.3X48-D25
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